Law Office of Carl R. Vahl
Professional Legal and Mediation Services
MEDIATION will save you substantial sums of money and allow you to create your own legally binding agreement to resolve your dispute without a court battle. While lawsuits and court battles using lawyers can take many months and sometimes years to make their way through the legal system, mediation can be completed in just a few weeks or months depending on the complexity of your situation. 99% of all lawsuits end by way of a negotiated settlement.
MEDIATION focuses on reaching an agreement to resolve the dispute at the beginning before spending thousands of dollars on lawyers and court costs while litigation focuses on reaching an agreement before trial, after spending substantial sums which will never be regained.​
AGREEMENTS reached in mediation are as legally binding as judgments rendered in court and are more likely to be complied with because the parties author their agreement. The buy-in of authoring your own agreement allows clients self-determination. The clients control the process rather than overly busy, distracted lawyers and judges with large dockets and thousands of competing parties fighting for the limited amount of resources available in our legal system today.
BELIEVE IT. It is easy to believe in the mediation process because we have shown over and over that mediation means less stress, less time and less money. It also means more communication, more respect and more dignity.